Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The best way change your mood with yoga

Pranayama (Sanskrit prana=vital energy; ayama= to expand) is a form of yoga which places particular emphasis on techniques of breathing.

In this research made by the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford. They studied The effects of three different procedures, relaxation, visualization and yogic breathing and stretch (pranayama) on perceptions of physical and mental energy and on positive and negative mood states have been assessed in a group of normal volunteers.

the results were that Pranayama produced a significantly greater increase in perceptions of mental and physical energy and feelings of alertness and enthusiasm than the other two procedures. Relaxation made subjects significantly more sleepy and sluggish immediately
after the session than pranayama. Visualization made them more sluggish but less content
than pranayama.

In agama yoga school we study in great detail the science of pranayama and breathing exercises.


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Unknown said...

Mediation yoga
Yoga has been known worldwide for some years now and it has become very popular on the entire planet. Millions of people engage into it for various reasons everyday. But even though it has tremendous benefits and millions of people stand as proof to that, there are still some that do not really believe in its health benefits. But can those contradict the millions of people whom have already tried and benefited from it

Unknown said...

I loved this blog because it always helps me to get something new. I have taught in my yoga classes that Pranayama helps us in different ways. You told very well in this blog. Good Attempt

Wins Honey

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